It has been quite the ride the last month. Lucy turned one month old on the 19th and she just keeps getting cuter. I'm in deep trouble here if this keeps up. Robin is doing an amazing job being a momma. I haven't heard one complaint or gripe, and she has had more than her fair share to deal with the last month. We as a family are going through some pretty big changes! It has been exciting and somewhat daunting at the same time, but we are excited about the future and just letting it all play out. The band I have worked for going on five years is calling it quits in October. They have had quite the run and it will be good for them to get a break. At first we were kind of worried with a new baby, and me losing my job but it has been wonderful to have this time with Lucy instead of having to get right back out on the road. That was the one thing I was dreading was that first goodbye when I would leave momma and baby at home for two weeks. I've decided to finish up the dates I'm committed to with my current group and I'm working for a promoter a few day a week in Buda through January. This will allow Robin to have a couple of uninterrupted days of work a week as well. I haven't decided if I will take another job on the road again.
As far as reading I am finishing up the Stieg Larsson trilogy(fiction) I got into, finished Hedges book American Fascists, and am in the middle of a book about the '53 CIA supported coup to overthrow the democratic government of Iran entitled All the Shah's Men by Stephen Kinzer. I have also been reading excerpts from a book recommended to me by a dear friend. It is The Best of Crux with articles by Klaus Boclkmuehl and others. You can find it online here for free. I promise to have some more road stories as the band plays it's last 14 or shows through October, and I will leave you with some links that I have found interesting lately....
I love you...and I love our family!